Sunday, December 23, 2007


I'm at the Winner's Table!

Dad and Joshua are enjoying themselves too!

Before all of the Christmas Parties and traveling began, the three of us got to spend a wonderful night at the Mingee's for a Survivor Party. It was so much fun and such a needed break from the normal. I myself was a winner after choosing the sole survivor this season- so I enjoyed a steak, baked potato, salad, and the best sweet tea I've tasted in years! Jeremy enjoyed the spread of foods with the rest of the crowd and Joshua just enjoyed being held by new people. He loves new people!

Today I find myself with an empty suitcase, three loads of laundry, and a car to pack before we go to church tonight! Here is to a busy day that will end with great times with family, celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


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The Cox Family said...

Aww you got to hang out with the very jealous.