Monday, June 30, 2008

Boone Fun Fact # 1

The beansTalk is back! Those of you familiar with the downtown Boone area 8 years ago will remember the lovely hole in the wall coffee shop, the beansTalk (pronounced "bean stalk" by the locals). In 2000 when I graduated from A.S.U., the shop had been shut down and several small stores had tried to flourish in it's spot. Saturday night, Jeremy and I went to meet some of the A.S.U. IV leaders for coffee at the beansTalk and I was so excited to hear that it was re-opened. We had a nice chat with the new owner who use to be a regular customer back in the day. He now runs the little coffee shop and has reinstated some of the old traditions. For all us locals, we can bring in our own personal coffee mug that hangs in the shop for us to use at any time! Lovely.


Lauren said...

Hooray for fun Boone facts. That makes me smile.

DeAnne said...

We were excited the last time we were in Boone and found Beanstalk back in business! Good memories

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.