Friday, September 28, 2007

For the Love of Sleep!

As you can imagine, sleep is something you don't get very much of as a new mom- or dad! I was running on adrenaline for the first few weeks home with Joshua. Every moment I was watching him, excited about him, thanking God for him. However, this is not good if you forget to REST- sleep while the baby sleeps- recover from delivery- relax your body and mind. All of these I forgot to do much of the first two weeks home.

So, after a good talk with Jeremy (several of them), some good talks with great friends, and lots of crying- I learned that sleep deprivation is my enemy. For the first time in a month, this week I slept at least 6 hours at night and Jeremy took care of Joshua.

The not so fun part of this for me is pumping breast milk for Jeremy to give Joshua at night. Forgive me for getting so personal, but it is almost humorous to find yourself in a position similar to a cow. I know I'll get used to it . . . but for now and for the love of sleep- I'll do it!

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