Thursday, July 3, 2008

Contemplating my twenties . . .

Yes, it is true. I must confess. I become a thirty year old woman tomorrow. How did this happen? Well, honestly, God has kept me here long enough to make it through another decade.

For some reason, turning thirty has not been as painful as I thought- regardless of my husbands joking "you will only be thirty-minus one for a few more days" and all the shocked looks on people's faces here in Boone as I reveal my new age. I might actually be looking forward to thirty. (Did I really type that?)

The twenties were a blast. So much happens in 10 years! I had a great experience in college- God drew me to Him for the first time there and has done amazing things in me. I spent three years on InterVarsity Staff in VA and grew as I lived on my own for the first time. I was introduced to the T.U.L.I.P. and reformed theology by Pastor Bob Becker. (I had friends that always called me a "closet Calvinist") This rocked my world.

I cut my hair short a few times, but didn't get any crazy piercings or tattoo's (Have I lost my chance- are you able to do those things after thirty?!) I got the coolest opportunity to live with my sister again in Raleigh, NC- a very happening place. It was there I finally used my Recreation Degree for the first time and helped start a camp for children with autism.

The biggest life changes have been these past three years. I moved to Virginia to help start a church and to be closer to the man that I would soon after marry. My husband, Jeremy- "he is sooooo dreamy." Then we had the great honor of having our first son Joshua almost a year ago. There are no words to describe the great joy that Christ has given us in the entire birthing experience.

So, what lies ahead of me in my thirties? I do know God has a plan- better than any plan I could imagine. So, I will enter into this new decade excited and in anticipation of what is to come. Praise God for turning thirty!

Oh yeah, tomorrow my hubby wants me to contemplate what it is like to be thirty- we'll see if anything changes overnight!!!


Courtney said...

Happy Birthday, beautiful girl! Welcome to the 30's club!

Lauren said...

Happy Birthday friend!

Shannon said...

Happy Belatd Birthday my sweet sister! We were out of town or I would have sent you something on the 4th. I thought about you and prayed for you all day. I know the year ahead is going to be great for you and full of all kinds of new adventures and blessings.

How is life in Boone?? Have you run into any old friends?? Katie (Pennell) McMurray lives there and has three kids now. So does Emily (Sparrow) Shack and also has three kids. Not sure if you know them, but we Mandy (dickinson) Stroupe, Ginger (Grubbs) Powell, and Lily Troyer all live there and all have children. Have you guys found a church yet??

We would love to come up and visit you for the day sometime.

Alright, better jet.

Love you.

robyn L. said...

I wrote something similar on my twenty-ninth birthday. :) Seriously, turning thirty isn't so bad. I thought somehow life would be over when I turned thirty, but now I'm almost 31 and I'm still alive and kicking! ;)

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet! I'm not far behind ya...I don't feel it's nice to look back and see His faithfulness! LOVE YOU!