Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua

My little man turned 1 today. Jeremy and I can hardly believe we are the parents of a 1 year old. It has gone so fast, and so much has happened. We are so thankful to God for the work he has done in our family. We are having a party this weekend to celebrate- so look forward to some fun pictures!

Until then- for the 12 months we have had our little man, here are 12 things I love about him (in no particular order)

1) I love that he gives me tight hugs around my neck now- oh yeah- and he gives them to other people too!

2) I love that his eyes seem to be getting deeper and deeper blue- they are gorgeous!

3) I love how he waves 'bye-bye' to Jeremy when he leaves for his office in the morning. He sometimes walks to the glass door and waves and waves until Jeremy is out of sight.

4) I love that I still get to steal a nap with him every now and then on the couch.

5) I love how he has started throwing toys up in the air while screaming (not so sure the neighbors love that!)

6) I love taking him to the library on Tuesdays for story time and watching him interact with the other little ones.

7) I love that he has started trying to climb into everything: boxes, bags, even my purse!

8) I love how he figured out how to drop cheerios through a hole in his booster chair. I thought he was really hungry one day- ends up the carpet was hungry and Joshua was entertained!

9) I love giving him lots of kisses because soon he will be too embarrassed for it!

10) I love that he picks up his toy cell phone and puts it to his neck and says "hi"

11) I love that he babbles and babbles all day long, sometimes forming words, but mostly babble- and he looks like he knows what he is talking about!

12) I love when I come home from running errands, or a meeting, he smiles and lights up when I walk in the room and says "ma ma".

1 comment:

robyn L. said...

Aw, that was so sweet! I can't wait to see his birthday pictures!