Here are my two favorite men! And here is where I have been the past several weeks:
I have been downright SICK going on about the third week now. The past two nights are the first in a LONG time that I have not woken myself up by hacking up my lungs. What must have started as a 24 hour virus to one doctor, ended up as a nasty sinus infection to another doctor.
I have never had a sinus infection before, and trust me, I don't ever want to experience that mess again. Joshua was sick the first week with me. Although being sick for him meant yummy pink medicine. Being sick for me meant a constant tickle in the throat, sore eyes and stomach from coughing, a terrible attitude towards life in general, and an "almost" trip to the ER with Joshua agian. Let me explain.
Joshua can be clever in ways that I am now considering dangerous. A few weeks ago he was playing with a bottle of Tylenol (it's just like a fun rattle to him) when all of the sudden the "rattling" stopped. I looked down of the floor to see him swimming in a sea of red and blue gel caps. Yep, somehow the "child proof" top had come off. But, as clever as he is, I thought this was a fluke. Skip ahead a few days. Joshua is now playing with a bottle of Excedrin Migraine. I am watching, so it seems safe. But, all moms know, it takes one thing to catch our attention for a few moments and . . . Joshua is throwing my migraine meds up in the air. Not good. Luckily, it was a new bottle that I had only taken 2 pills from, so I gathered the pills off the floor and quickly counted to make sure he had not ingested any. Lesson learned? Oh, you would think so.
Fast forward to last week. (In my defense, remember, I have been sick for some time now) One of my favorite A.S.U. students, Liz, has come by to do some grocery shopping for me. Joshua is fussy and trying to grab at my prescription cough medicine. I put him down and say "watch this" as I had the deadly bottle over. "Joshua can open child proof bottles. He has done it twice already." As I continue this conversation about Joshua and his super baby abilities my little man goes to town. Liz and I are carrying on our conversation and I glance down as Joshua runs to my side holding my deadly cough medicne bottle upside down- oh yes- and the top is off. There is sticky, yellow, highly dangerous medicine on his hands, shirt, pants- I look down, there is a small puddle on the carpet. Oh, geeze. I realize there is no way to win the best mommie award this year.
I am much calmer than our last catastrophe. I run him to the bathroom to rinse him off while Liz looks for my Poison Control magnet on the fridge. It is not there- of course not- Joshua has removed it and it is likely in the bottom of his toy box or in one of Jeremy's shoes (his two favorie places to stick things). Liz stays with me so I don't loose my mind and I find the phone number I need on the internet. I had a lovely conversation with Tonya, my new contact person from Poison Control. No smell of the meds on Joshua's breath, no indication that it was in his mouth. I just need to watch him and check back with Tonya in 2 hours, then again in 3.
Yep, never a dull moment in the Greenberg home- especially with a sickly mom and super clever baby Joshua. I am now heeding the advice of my poison control friend and purchacing a tackle box and pad lock from Wal-Mart. Apparently, I am not the only mom who has this problem (but let's be honest- Joshua is barely 14 months old, a bit young to master the child proof tops). So, I am sharing this as a testimony that God continues to be good to me and protect my baby boy as he continues to become more curious and adventurous. I am also sharing because I cannot be ashamed of my mistakes as a mom and I am growing in this part of my life. If I were a perfect mom then I would not need Christ and the thought that I don't need Christ is a big fat lie. I need Christ.
Girl, you can't take your eyes off that boy for a second.
That's why on the label it says..."Keep out of reach of children".
You know I love you and I KNOW you wouldn't do anything to harm Joshua. You're a great mom. You know why they don't have mother of the year awards? Cause none of us would ever win. Wesley basically needs protective headgear everywhere we go because he's always clubbing him head on something.
Just watch him for me okay and no more pills - for him or you! Get better soon!
Oh Girl!!
I'm sorry you've been so sick! I can self-diagnose a sinus infection because I've had so many, but dear hubby had his first a couple years ago and I got to see first-hand what it's like to experience as an adult who hasn't had them all his/her life. SORRY!!!
Thanks for spilling your guts on the internet - confession is good for the soul! =) Seriously, I know that must have been hard for you and I applaud your transparency as a commitment to believing the gospel.
And we have SO called poison control ourselves... the number is on two phones (via sticker - you can have them mailed to you for free) and on our fridge - up high. You'd think after a smurf-looking child I'd learn to put that stamp in another place, but... oh well, the smiley face is gone, it's now a lovely way to make a small, blue, circle, and I got to see neon green poop. AWESOME!!
P.S. I won't tell you what else she "colored" herself with (and possibly ingested) during that same incident... praise GOD for non-toxic everything!!! I also know why they have warning labels on Desitin bottles and a good remedy for getting sunscreen out of a carpet... a vast wealth of knowledge here!
yeah, who knew "keep out of reach of children" included babies? Really, they are great rattles :)
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